Destiny Amaka is shown getting into the pool, twerking, and eating diced pineapples in the video. the on-air personality revealed her voluptuous shape on her Instagram profile.
Destiny Amaka, a Nigerian actress and media personality, has sparked a stir online after uploading fresh photographs and a video of herself.
In a video posted a few minutes earlier, the on-air personality revealed her voluptuous shape on her Instagram profile.
Destiny Amaka is shown getting into the pool, twerking, and eating diced pineapples in the video. She labelled the video with:
“Here’s to a beautiful new week & making more beautiful memories.”
The photos which she shared earlier were with the caption:
“Be her peace, she already wishes she was me.”
When it comes to sex related matters, Destiny Amaka is quite daring and expressive with her words.
See video, photos and some reactions below: